Author: admin4569

Why is open source IoT important for my business?

Why is open source IoT important for my business?

Internet of Things (IoT) is not a new concept. Some argue it’s overdue and a broad superficial buzzword. If you are running a business and are still wondering what IoT can bring you and why open source is relevant, read on. This blog gives you a clear view and five...

Energy Management for Cities

Energy Management for Cities

OpenRemote building Energy Management Solutions for cities like Arnhem, Nottingham, London and Schwäbisch-Gmünd. Based on the ambitious sustainability targets of many countries, there is a resurgence of local green power generation, both by solar and wind fields. In...

Osram IoT Awards

Osram IoT Awards

OpenRemote Finalist at OSRAM IoT Awards 2019. Congratulations to EcoG for winning the OSRAM IoT Award in the category "Logistics and Industry"! OpenRemote was in Berlin for the OSRAM IoT Campfire and Award Ceremony, where we got to meet many interesting and...

Mankind’s largest crowd – The Kumbh Mela Experiment

Mankind’s largest crowd – The Kumbh Mela Experiment

The large religious events in India have always thrown un-imaginable challenges of managing super dense pedestrian movements within a limited area. Kumbh Mela is a mass Hindu pilgrimage of faith in which almost 100 million Hindus gather to bathe in a sacred river. The...

Partner in Education Fontys HICT

Partner in Education Fontys HICT

OpenRemote is now Partner in Education at the Fontys University of Applied Science, and also became member of the professional field advice committee. "This collaboration is not a side issue or noncommittal. Because of involving businesses intensively into our...