Nottingham opts for state-of-the-art open-source IoT technology in pilot project to optimize its electric vehicle fleet
Nottingham, 18 January 2021 - The City of Nottingham is developing an intelligent energy management system (iEMS) for its Clean Mobil Energy project using OpenRemote’s open-source IoT platform. This new data management solution will control the distribution of power...
How will we keep the light on in the dark winter months?
It is one of the biggest challenges in the energy transition: matching the supply of renewable energy to demand, and vice versa. Lecturer Measurement and Control Technology Aart-Jan de Graaf argues for an unconventional solution in the first episode of the podcast...
Start building your open-source smart energy management system in 5 steps
Smart energy management offers up to 10-30% extra carbon and financial savings by balancing power consumption with your own renewable energy production. From cities and campus areas, to larger offices and apartment complexes, Open source IoT solutions can contribute...
Newsletter November 2020
In the November 2020 Newsletter we talked about: Our upcoming community release, check out the video! Popular domain: Energy Management Sustainable Arnhem Smart City Strijp-S Go to the newsletter Let's talk about how OpenRemote can help make your services smarter.Get...
Microgrid optimization with IoT
Microgrids today are gaining in popularity thanks to renewable energy projects across the world. They bring many advantages but are not without challenges, particularly if they are to work effectively with traditional macrogrids. Smart Energy Management Systems (SEMS)...
The City of Arnhem goes smart with OpenRemote’s Energy Management IoT solution
Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 30 September - The City of Arnhem has selected OpenRemote’s open-source IoT solution to develop an intelligent energy management system using advanced IoT technology. This new data management platform will enable the city’s energy managers...
Why is open source IoT important for my business?
Internet of Things (IoT) is not a new concept. Some argue it’s overdue and a broad superficial buzzword. If you are running a business and are still wondering what IoT can bring you and why open source is relevant, read on. This blog gives you a clear view and five...
Energy Management for Cities
OpenRemote building Energy Management Solutions for cities like Arnhem, Nottingham, London and Schwäbisch-Gmünd. Based on the ambitious sustainability targets of many countries, there is a resurgence of local green power generation, both by solar and wind fields. In...
Osram IoT Awards
OpenRemote Finalist at OSRAM IoT Awards 2019. Congratulations to EcoG for winning the OSRAM IoT Award in the category "Logistics and Industry"! OpenRemote was in Berlin for the OSRAM IoT Campfire and Award Ceremony, where we got to meet many interesting and...
Mankind’s largest crowd – The Kumbh Mela Experiment
The large religious events in India have always thrown un-imaginable challenges of managing super dense pedestrian movements within a limited area. Kumbh Mela is a mass Hindu pilgrimage of faith in which almost 100 million Hindus gather to bathe in a sacred river. The...
Partner in Education Fontys HICT
OpenRemote is now Partner in Education at the Fontys University of Applied Science, and also became member of the professional field advice committee. "This collaboration is not a side issue or noncommittal. Because of involving businesses intensively into our...
From Scarcity to Smart City, the future of Smart City finance
Marc Fleury, co-founder of OpenRemote, is invited for the Visionary Keynote at TMT Forum in New York, on April 11. He will address the current wave of Cities looking to become a Smart City and the future of Smart City finance. Regardless of size and region, cities all...