Project Category: Energy

IBIS Power

IBIS Power

IBIS Power offers PowerNEST, an urban power solution for high rise buildings, combining wind and solar power. PowerNEST systems are connected to PowerNEST Cloud service for monitoring as well as optimisation of self consumption for building owners. More about the use...

IBIS Urban Power

IBIS Urban Power

PowerNEST Urban Wind and Solar   IoT Device Management Platform - IBIS Power The ChallengeThe energy transition requires maximum use of renewable energy. As densely populated cities lack space, large buildings are equipped with IBIS Power PowerNEST combining wind and...

K2 Buddy Solar panel snow guard

K2 Buddy Solar panel snow guard

K2 Buddy Solarpanel - Schneeüberwachung   IoT-Gerätemanagementplattform – K2 Systems GmbH Die HerausforderungSchwerwetterereignisse treten immer häufiger auf. Insbesondere starke Schneefälle können sich in diesem Zusammenhang negativ auf PV-Anlagen auswirken und deren...

Arnhem Sustainable Energy

Arnhem Sustainable Energy

Arnhem Sustainable Energy Energy Management - City of Arnhem The ChallengeThe City of Arnhem aims to maximise the use of local renewable energy by solar and wind power. The solar and wind park at Kleefsewaard is used for charging electric vehicles across the city as...

Nottingham V2G Fleet Optimisation

Nottingham V2G Fleet Optimisation

Nottingham V2G Fleet Optimisation   Energy Management - City of Nottingham The ChallengeThe City of Nottingham aims to maximise the use of locally generated renewable energy to cut the carbon emissions and costs associated with charging electric fleet vehicles, as...